
The Keene Toadstool Hosts Joseph Carrabis presenting & autographing his book Search Saturday, April 20th at 2 pm

The good folks at the Keene, NH, Toadstool Bookshop invited me to do a book signing on Saturday, April 20th at 2 pm.

After the signing, we’re all going to head over to the coffee shop and talk about writing, being an author, and where stories come from.

I plan on having fun and hope you’re join me.

About Search
“The only rules that bind us are those we place on ourselves.”

Such is the great revelation which The Shaman’s Gio “John Chance” Fortuna discovers during one of the most tumultuous periods of his life. In college and having spent most of his life avoiding his grandfather’s trainings, he finds himself called to remember and practice his grandfather’s ancient ways to save children from human monsters. But every step into The Old Ways drives a wedge between Gio and Jess, the woman he loves and wants to spend his life with. Originally relishing the idea of her own personal Superman, she grows increasingly fearful each time Gio manifests an ability beyond her comprehension. And when both he and Jess realize he can use his grandfather’s teachings to force Jess’ to spend her life with him without her knowing he’s done so? Even though doing so violates everything he’s ever been taught? Gio realizes being able to do anything doesn’t mean he can do everything, and that the strongest bonds on us are those we place on ourselves.

About me
You can find out more than you need to know at my About page.

An Attentive Lad

To survive in The Wild, one must pay attention.

Two-Legs pay selective attention. We devote the majority of our neural resources to whatever interests us at the moment.

Which is why we – the modern “we” – don’t do well in The Wild.

Pay too much attention to any one thing and some other one thing snatches you.

Pay too much attention to any dozen things and some other dozen things snatch you.

One learns to be broad-minded, accepting of all information, in The Wild.

It’s a survival thing.


Unraveling Mystery, Metaphysics, and Romance – Snippet 2 “Real Life is Convoluted”

I recently had the good fortune to be interviewed by Betsy Wurzel, host of Chatting with Betsy, and you’ll be shocked to learn we talked about Unraveling Mystery, Metaphysics, and Romance.

Okay, we pretty much talked about my latest novel, Search, with some brief forays into my other works.

Today’s snippet deals with how honoring the convolutions of real life in one’s work.



The Lady Dines

Sometimes I realize I’m here to observe.

Authors…good authors…do little more than observe and document.

Note I don’t claim anything about writing.

Writing? No. Documenting? Yes.

Good authors…the best authors…are retellers of tales they’ve witnessed perhaps too often.

So often they make a lasting impression.

Although I know some lasting impressions only need to occur once to be etched in memory.

Such impressions are etched due to high emotional content.

That emotional content can take many forms: wonder, joy, pain, sorrow, grief, love, …

And sometimes that emotional content takes the form of appreciating what’s around you and realizing, “Yes, this is a good thing.”


Unraveling Mystery, Metaphysics, and Romance – Snippet 1 “What made you write this book?”

I recently had the good fortune to be interviewed by Betsy Wurzel, host of Chatting with Betsy, and you’ll be shocked to learn we talked about Unraveling Mystery, Metaphysics, and Romance.

Okay, we pretty much talked about my latest novel, Search, with some brief forays into my other works.

Today’s snippet deals with how Search came about (it was an outgrowth of The Shaman

